[Solution] Letter Picking Codeforces Solution
Alice and Bob are playing a game. Initially, they are given a non-empty string , consisting of lowercase Latin letters. The length of the string is even. Each player also has a string of their own, initially empty.
Alice starts, then they alternate moves. In one move, a player takes either the first or the last letter of the string , removes it from and prepends (adds to the beginning) it to their own string.
The game ends when the string becomes empty. The winner is the player with a lexicographically smaller string. If the players' strings are equal, then it's a draw.
A string is lexicographically smaller than a string if there exists such position that for all and .
What is the result of the game if both players play optimally (e. g. both players try to win; if they can't, then try to draw)?
The first line contains a single integer () — the number of testcases.
Each testcase consists of a single line — a non-empty string , consisting of lowercase Latin letters. The length of the string is even.
The total length of the strings over all testcases doesn't exceed .
For each testcase, print the result of the game if both players play optimally. If Alice wins, print "Alice". If Bob wins, print "Bob". If it's a draw, print "Draw".
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